Our Story

Our journey started with humble beginnings, as my parents embarked on a courageous quest for a better life for the family in a new country. Armed with no more than determination and a passion for authentic Cantonese food, they poured their hearts and souls into creating the original Hong Kong Food Street, a pillar of traditional Cantonese cuisine in the heart of Houston Chinatown.

Over the years, it became a cherished local institution that has been woven into the collective memories of our community for the past two decades. For over 20 years, their restaurant has been more than just a place to dine – it was a beloved gathering spot where friends and families celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, and milestones of every kind. From the laughter-filled tables to the fragrant aromas that waft from the kitchen, the original HKFS had been a place of warmth, connection, and shared experiences among diners.  However, nothing is forever.

A series of unforeseeable incidents rendered the OG HKFS inoperable and their doors were forced to close in 2021.  After grinding away for decades, my parents decided this chain of events was a sign for them to retire.  For years, they paved the way and showed me the type of hard work and dedication it takes to run a reputable business while serving the community, and the joy that comes along with it.   After years of careful planning and a little bit of luck, the stars have finally aligned.  As a spiritual successor, I want to carry with me their lessons and continue to be more than just a restaurant. 

This new restaurant in Katy, Texas is a living homage to my parents and their hard-earned reputation. As I strive to make them proud, I pledge to uphold their legacy of serving excellent authentic food with a side of good service, ensuring that every guest who walks through our doors feels like a part of our extended family.

Yours Truly,

Johnny Cheung